our purpose

UHUNGRY? is an exciting, dynamic, and indulging restaurant group which aims to encompass all things food. We want to create, challenge, and enhance your best food memories by promising to execute and deliver great service starting from the inside out. We believe in cultivating culture by creating unforgettable dining experiences that not only connect you with the food itself, but the people, conversations, and the environment.

ABout us

Although our love for food started at a young age, UHUNGRY? was founded in 2016 by Steven Blakley and originally began as a college project turned mobile application to provide people with recipes based on the ingredients they had in their home. In 2017, Steven Blakley collaborated with Chef Jayaun Smith to explore several culinary opportunities. UHUNGRY? has been a part of various concepts ranging from pop-ups to opening the first brick and mortar location in Fall of 2020 in the midst of Covid-19. UHUNGRY? is now exploring culinary opportunities of all kinds with the goal of continuing to grow an exciting, dynamic, and indulging restaurant brand and experience.


Steven Blakley - Founder/Managing Director

Jayaun Smith - Culinary/Chef partner

Spencer Blakley - Culinary/chef Partner

